Lost opportunity: Fear of flying, airline profits, and the economy


  • Gary Thompson University of the Incarnate Word
  • Anette E. Craven University of the Incarnate Word




Airline finance, Travel demand.


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between fears of flying and U.S. airline load factors to determine if there is a potential impact on corporate profits and the economy. Travelers with a reluctance towards flying represent a potential lost opportunity for airline companies, a source of operating profits, and positive economic impacts. This research examines the psychological reservations towards flying, how avoidance behaviors impact demand and the projected implications. The paper suggests revising conceptual financial considerations to assess whether stakeholders in the commercial U.S. air travel industry should attempt to recoup lost passengers who avoid flying out of fear.

Author Biography

  • Gary Thompson, University of the Incarnate Word

    Student, Doctorate of Business Adminstration

    Air Traffic Control Manager


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