Regional Supplier Associations as the Producers of Transnational Club Goods in Latin American and Caribbean Utility Markets


  • Jacqueline Horrall University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
  • Sunita Mondal Slippery Rock University



Infrastructure development, Network, Regional utility operator.


There is growing the consensus that regional regulatory agencies provide regional club goods, however; there is little evidence of the impact of the collaborations of the utility providers themselves in the literature. Our study analyzes whether regional networks such as the Caribbean Electric Utility corporation contribute to solving energy issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Networks of operators provide cross -border services, and operating as a single entity improves the lobbying opportunities of operators to influence policy. Results suggest that utilities that formed linkages or cooperation regionally are likely to benefit from such collaborations, but a comprehensive approach to capacity building and reform is needed to address the regions energy issues.

Author Biographies

  • Jacqueline Horrall, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
    Department of Economics, Chair, Associate Professor
  • Sunita Mondal, Slippery Rock University
    Assistant Professor at the School of Business, Slippery Rock University


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